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Join us and help make a difference!

Why Join the PTSA?

Studies show that parental involvement plays a significant role in student achievement and performance. A strong parent group can make a tremendous difference in how a school functions. At Kopachuck, we encourage all our families to join KPTSA. It is a wonderful way to get to know the other great families in our school community. In addition, it serves as vehicle for you to voice your opinion on important issues affecting your child’s learning environment.


What is the KPTSA? 

  • Kopachuck Parent Teacher Student Association (KPTSA) is a member of the Washington State PTA. We are a non-profit organization and our mission is to help Kopachuck Middle School achieve its social, cultural and academic goals by supporting programs, resources and activities that will enhance the instructional experience, promote academic and personal excellence of its students. 

Why should I Join the KPTSA? 

  • Research has shown that the most important indication on how well a child will do in school is the level of parental involvement in that child’s education. This does not mean you have to perpetually volunteer for PTA programs (although we wouldn’t say no if you did) or be at school all day. 

  • Becoming a member gives us a louder and more effective voice on the state and national level.

  • Volunteers are the backbone of our organization. We cannot have effective programs, events, or fundraisers without our volunteer community. You are priceless to us!

How are the membership dues spent?

  • Our members pay dues that include a small portion for the state and national offices. In return, the KPTSA members receive access to many valuable resources, information and training programs.
    • Membership dues for the KPTSA are $12.00 for an individual, $8.00 for staff and teachers, and $20.00 for family (2 adults per household). 

Why does the KPTSA need fundraisers?

  • One of the ways the KPTSA supports our students is by providing funds to support items, resources etc. that are not covered by the school budgets. Some examples of what the KPTSA funds are: technology, supplies, and assemblies!

Membership Form

Print & Return to KMS Office 

Register Online

Click here to sign-up online

10414 56th Street Northwest, Gig Harbor, WA  98335

© 2018 Marissa Palmer for Kopachuck PTSA 

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