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Box Tops


Use the Box Tops app to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add cash to your school's earnings online. From playground equipment to technology to library books, your school can use this money to help teachers and students get the supplies they need. Click here to download the app.

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If you see this label on a product, you can use the Box Tops app to scan your receipt. The app will find participating products purchased at any store and instantly add cash to your school’s earnings online. Please note that some Box Tops products are not labeled; check our product list for a complete list of participating products.

If you discover a traditional Box Tops clip on a product, you can still clip it and send it to school. Every valid Box Tops clip is still worth 10¢ for your school. Make sure each one you turn in has a clearly visible product acronym and expiration date.

* All valid Box Tops clips submitted per the Program Rules to an eligible, enrolled school(s) will be honored.

We collect and submit Box Tops throughout the year, and they can be dropped off in the Box Top collection box next to the drinks in the Commons. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents and it does add up! If every student turned in 10 box tops we would have almost $700!! Twice a year, in December and April, a check from Box Tops is sent directly to KMS. 

If you have any questions regarding Box Tops for Education, please contact our  Box Tops Coordinator. 

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